Caldo: Ferva 2 tabletes de caldo de legumes em 2 litros de água. Risoto: Coloque o azeite numa e leve
Bom Jesus Rice Industry has been operating in the market since 2001, offering products with excellence in quality and yield.
Through modern equipment, the “in natura” cereal goes through the transformation stages and the result is a product of extreme quality, guaranteeing the satisfaction of Brazilians.
Bom Jesus Rice Industry has been operating in the market since 2001, offering products with excellence in quality and yield.
Through modern equipment, the “in natura” cereal goes through the transformation stages and the result is a product of extreme quality, guaranteeing the satisfaction of Brazilians.
The best recipes for the best rice
Caldo: Ferva 2 tabletes de caldo de legumes em 2 litros de água. Risoto: Coloque o azeite numa e leve
1 – Em uma vasilha misture os ingredientes e coloque por último a farinha. Pode usar qualquer tipo de farinha
1 – Fritar a cebola, o alho. Acrescentar o charque e cozinhar até virar um molho. Acrescentar o tempero verde
CNPJ: 04.882.507/0001-77 IE: 017/0096939